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Basic Listening Lesson #31
الخطوة 1:
الخطوة 1: إستمع الى الحوار
لاتنظر إلى الأسئلة إلا بعد الإستماع الى الملف الصوتى. فقراءة الأسئلة أولا لن تساعدك في تحسين مهاراتك الاستماع في اللغة الانجليزية.
إختبار- اقرأ الأسئلة
1. What is the topic of this dialog?
University classes
A friend who is not himself lately
Partying and drinking
A friend with a pretty girlfriend
2. Why is Sam depressed?
He failed an important exam
His girlfriend broke up with him
He wasn't invited to a big party
He failed one of his university classes
3. What has Sam been doing for the last several days?
Sitting in his room
Exercising all day long
Thinking about his girlfriend
None of the above
4. What are they going to do about Sam?
Try to take him out
Talk to his girlfriend
Help him study
None of the above
انظر للإجابة
1. A friend who is not himself lately
2. He failed an important exam
3. Sitting in his room
4. Try to take him out
إذا كنت غير متأكد من الإجابات. إستمع إلي الملفات الصوتية مرة إخري بعد قرائة الأسئلة. كما يمكنك معرفة الإجابات الصحيحة والحصول علي التقيم.
إنظر إلي نص المحادثة
A: "Hey Mike. What are you doing?"
B: "Nothing much. What are you up to?"
A: "I was just concerned about Sam. He hasn't been himself lately."
B: "He took the civil service exam and failed."
A: "That sucks. He must feel depressed."
B: "Yeah. He's been sitting in his room everyday for the last 4 days."
A: "Why don't we take him out? We can try to take his mind off of it. In the least show him that we're there for him."
B: "That's a great idea. Why don't you call him. I already talked to him a couple of times and it might be good for him to hear from somebody else."
A: "Ok. I'll call you back after I'm done."
B: "Sounds good."
يجب أن تقرأ نص المحادثة لتساعدك علي الفهم لكن بعد الاستماع الي المحاثة. لاتنظر إلى نص المحادثة إلا قبل الإستماع إلى الملف الصوتي والإجابة على كل الأسئلة.
تحدث الانجليزية اسرع
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تحميل الانجليزية
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