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Intermediate Listening Lesson #07
الخطوة 1:
الخطوة 1: إستمع الى الحوار
لاتنظر إلى الأسئلة إلا بعد الإستماع الى الملف الصوتى. فقراءة الأسئلة أولا لن تساعدك في تحسين مهاراتك الاستماع في اللغة الانجليزية.
إختبار- اقرأ الأسئلة
1. What is the main topic in this dialog?
University classes
University professors
University registration
University grades
2. What class was mentioned where the student received a 1.7?
3. Who does he blame for doing so terrible this semester?
He blames his brother
He blames his friend
He blames himself
He blames the professor
4. What was the cause for his GPA to go down so much?
He spent too much time with his new girlfriend
He started playing StarCraft
He burned himself out from working too much and didn't study
He had difficult classes this semester
انظر للإجابة
1. University grades
2. Economics
3. He blames himself
4. He started playing StarCraft
إذا كنت غير متأكد من الإجابات. إستمع إلي الملفات الصوتية مرة إخري بعد قرائة الأسئلة. كما يمكنك معرفة الإجابات الصحيحة والحصول علي التقيم.
إنظر إلي نص المحادثة
A: "Did you get your grades yet?"
B: "Yeah. My whole GPA is screwed up now."
A: "Why? What happened?"
B: "Well, I bombed my econ final and ended up with a 1.7."
A: "Ouch. You must be very disappointed."
B: "Well, it's my fault because I didn't study as much as I should have."
A: "Why don't you re-take the class next year?"
B: "That's what I plan on doing unless I keep screwing up. How did you do this semester?"
A: "I didn't do that well either. I ended up with a 3.2 this semester. That drops my total GPA to 3.45."
B: "My GPA is pretty similar to yours. I have a 3.1 now because of the stupid econ class."
A: "What was your GPA before this semester?"
B: "I was sitting happy with a 3.4."
A: "Why did it go down so much?"
B: "Let's just say I screwed up more than my econ class."
A: "What happened to you?"
B: "I started playing StarCraft and ended up wasting a lot of time."
A: "You better stop slacking off."
B: "You're right. I'm not going to play games during school anymore."
يجب أن تقرأ نص المحادثة لتساعدك علي الفهم لكن بعد الاستماع الي المحاثة. لاتنظر إلى نص المحادثة إلا قبل الإستماع إلى الملف الصوتي والإجابة على كل الأسئلة.
تحدث الانجليزية اسرع
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تحميل الانجليزية
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