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Advanced Listening Lesson #10
الخطوة 1:
الخطوة 1: إستمع الى الحوار
لاتنظر إلى الأسئلة إلا بعد الإستماع الى الملف الصوتى. فقراءة الأسئلة أولا لن تساعدك في تحسين مهاراتك الاستماع في اللغة الانجليزية.
إختبار- اقرأ الأسئلة
1. How do they both know Stacy?
They all grew up together in the same town
One person knows her from elementary school and the other from middle school
One person knows her from middle school and the other from high school
One person knows her from middle school and the other from university
2. What is one thing they have in common besides knowing Stacy?
They went to the same university
They majored in the same subject
They work at the same place
They both went to grad school
3. What conclusion can we come to regarding the work ethics of the lady?
She wouldn't make it as a consultant because she doesn't want to work many hours
She sounds like she doesn't want to work but would rather play
Neither A or B
Both A and B
4. Where is this conversation leading to?
Just a friendly conversation
A love triangle might form here
Possibly a start of a relationship
A new job might be coming for someone
انظر للإجابة
1. One person knows her from middle school and the other from university
2. They majored in the same subject
3. Both A and B
4. Possibly a start of a relationship
إذا كنت غير متأكد من الإجابات. إستمع إلي الملفات الصوتية مرة إخري بعد قرائة الأسئلة. كما يمكنك معرفة الإجابات الصحيحة والحصول علي التقيم.
إنظر إلي نص المحادثة
A: "Hi there. Do you know anyone here?"
B: "I'm a friend of Stacy."
A: "Stacy Miller? I know her."
B: "Really? How do you know her?"
A: "We went to middle school together."
B: "That's cool. What a small world."
A: "So how do you know Stacy?"
B: "We went to the same sorority."
A: "What did you major in?"
B: "I majored in Sociology."
A: "Really? Me too. That's kinda cool."
B: "Where did you go to school?"
A: "I went to Berkley."
B: "So what are you doing here in New York?"
A: "I work at a consulting firm."
B: "Isn't that hard work?"
A: "It was in the beginning, but I got used to it. It's a lot of hours though."
B: "I bet. I don't like working more than 40 hours. I need time to play."
A: "I hear that. I wish I had more time to play. But I do like my job."
B: "I think it is important to like your job."
A: "I like talking with you."
B: "Really? I feel the same way."
A: "Do, you wanna go out sometime, like dinner or something?"
B: "I'd like that. Here, let me give you my number."
يجب أن تقرأ نص المحادثة لتساعدك علي الفهم لكن بعد الاستماع الي المحاثة. لاتنظر إلى نص المحادثة إلا قبل الإستماع إلى الملف الصوتي والإجابة على كل الأسئلة.
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