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Advanced Listening Lesson #19
الخطوة 1:
الخطوة 1: إستمع الى الحوار
لاتنظر إلى الأسئلة إلا بعد الإستماع الى الملف الصوتى. فقراءة الأسئلة أولا لن تساعدك في تحسين مهاراتك الاستماع في اللغة الانجليزية.
إختبار- اقرأ الأسئلة
1. What is the sport they are talking about?
2. Comparing baseball and football, which one is more fun?
Both are equally fun
Too different to compare
3. What does the corner back do?
Main guy in offense
The guy next to second base
Defensive player covering passing plays and outside running plays
The guy who shoots the ball
4. Why does one guy not follow football at all?
Has no interest in the game
Never understood the game
Got hurt in high school and avoided it since
Boring to watch
انظر للإجابة
1. Football
2. Too different to compare
3. Defensive player covering passing plays and outside running plays
4. Never understood the game
إذا كنت غير متأكد من الإجابات. إستمع إلي الملفات الصوتية مرة إخري بعد قرائة الأسئلة. كما يمكنك معرفة الإجابات الصحيحة والحصول علي التقيم.
إنظر إلي نص المحادثة
A: "What are you watching?"
B: "A football game. Packers are playing the Chiefs."
A: "I never understood this game."
B: "It's not that hard. If you watch a couple of games, you'll start to understand it."
A: "Do you watch a lot of football?"
B: "I like the Packers, so I watch all their games."
A: "Did you play football before?"
B: "Only in high school. I was too small to play for college."
A: "What position did you play?"
B: "I was the corner back."
A: "Is that the main guy in offense?"
B: "No. That's the quarterback. The corner back is a defensive player covering passing plays and outside running plays."
A: "I see. Do you think it is more fun than baseball?"
B: "It's hard to compare the two because they're so different. I like both baseball and football. How about you? You like baseball a lot?"
A: "Yeah. I'm a big baseball fan."
B: "Baseball is fun, but you should also learn football. I'll explain as we watch."
A: "Cool."
يجب أن تقرأ نص المحادثة لتساعدك علي الفهم لكن بعد الاستماع الي المحاثة. لاتنظر إلى نص المحادثة إلا قبل الإستماع إلى الملف الصوتي والإجابة على كل الأسئلة.
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